The Buffalo Chasers
The Buffalo Chasers
S1-E0 Tending to our Medicines: Trailer
Taŋyáŋ yahí, I'm glad you're here and welcome to the "Tending to our Medicines" a brand new mini pod series of the Fort Peck Community College's "Buffalo Chasers Podcast." This series is sponsored by the College's Traditional Practices for Wellness Project.
Taŋyáŋ yahí, it's good you're here and welcome to "Tending to Our Medicines," a brand new mini pod series of the Fort Peck Community College's, Buffalo Chaser Podcast. This series is sponsored by the College's Traditional Practices for Wellness Project. My name is Sam, I'm the Director of the Project and our host for this mini pod series.
So you may be wondering, what is a mini pod series? And that is a great question. I'll start off by admitting that I think I made that word up.
In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, FPCC started the Buffalo Chaser Podcast as a conversation between Elijah Hopkins, our Vice President of Student Services, and Tommy Christian, our Cultural Liaison, as a way of continuing to offer cultural and wellness support to our students. The Buffalo Chaser Podcast now has over 80 episodes across several seasons and has proven to be an easily accessible way to offer programming to our students and community members, both on and off the Reservation. In 2022, the CDC awarded Fort Peck Community College, a Traditional Practices for Wellness and Indian Country grant. As a part of our proposal, we pitched this idea of a mini pod series as a way of expanding the reach of our Project's in-person programming, while also diversifying the offerings of the Buffalo Chaser Podcast.
The "Tending to our Medicines" mini pod series will differ from the more common format of a weekly, biweekly, or even a monthly podcast schedule. Instead, we'll be adopting more of a seasonal approach. Each season, we anticipate featuring at least three types of episodes. A "Woúnspe" episode will narrate one of our in-person workshops for those not able to attend. "Plant Walk" episodes will be more of a walking narration that follows the same path as our in-person plant walks. We'll walk, talk, and check in on our rooted relatives, our traditional plants growing across the Reservation. And finally, our "Medicine Walk" episodes where we don't actually talk at all, but we do keep walking across the Reservation and throughout the seasons because taking a walk outside really is such good medicine.
In keeping with the seasons. We're also announcing this mini Podd series at the turn of a new season, a time of balance that starts a new year and a new season of growth. New episodes of the "Tending to our Medicines" mini pod series will be announced on the Fort Peck Community College's Facebook page, and made available through Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever podcasts are available. For those who are already subscribed to the Buffalo Shader Podcast, you'll be notified as soon as new episodes go live.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, we are taking a crash course on the process of making this mini pod series a reality. We encourage listeners to offer feedback on the episodes to comment with any questions you have or stories you'd like to share. And if there are any sound or audio techs out there that would like to offer their assistance, please feel free to reach out.
But all in all, I'm really looking forward to our walks together, friends, tokša aké